INTRODUCING: This Is My Year Instagram Challenge
Enter the Challenge by Submitting Your Email Below!
Everyday, the daily challenge will be sent to your inbox
 FREE this is my year mentorship
5 Days to Reclaim Your Life & Own 2020
 The results are going to put you back in the driver's seat of your life, give you tools to reclaim your dreams, and propel you to move forward.

Do you ever find yourself frozen still, thinking of all the reasons why the life you want couldn't actually ever be yours?

Are there dreams you have that still haven't been realized?

Do you find yourself stuck on the same thoughts, patterns, and habits that don't seem to be moving you closer to where you want to be?

Are you ready to show up to your life with more power, excitement, clarity, and fulfillment? 

If you answered YES! to any of these questions, then this Mentorship is for you.

The #1 question I get asked is, "How do I get unstuck?"

This challenge is not only going to help you uncover that, but will give you tools you can use to create a life you are excited to be living. 

It's totally free, and I'm honored to be your guide. I've been where you are: being so broke we didn't know how to pay rent, not knowing how to make it through the loss of my kids, and feeling completely buried by a life that I wish wasn't mine. Because I found my way out, I feel responsible to share what I've learned.

It's only 5 Days long. And will take about 12 minutes a day.

It's up to You to commit.

Oh, and I'm paying it forward to those who do the challenge with me and giving away really insane prizes...
Enter the Challenge by Submitting Your Email Below!
Everyday, the daily challenge will be sent to your inbox
Want to win a private coaching call with Ashley?
Here are the Big Prizes That We're Giving Away:
Grand Prize Winner
-$200 Visa Gift Card
-Signed Copy of Born to Shine
-$200 of Shine Project Swag
-$100 of clothing from 
Shop Ashley Lemieux
-20 Minute Coaching Call with Ashley!
Second Place Prize
Apple Air Pods
Third Place Prize
$150 in swag from The Shine Project
This is My Year Instagram Challenge 
January 7-11
What You'll Get:
- The same weekly exercises that I go through to help me be successful in both my personal and professional life, taught by ME!
-Daily Challenges delivered to your inbox. I will be sending you videos, with an attached task to complete.
-5 Nights of IG Live videos to tackle roadblocks and get you moving forward.
- A $350 mentorship... absolutely FREE. I know we can make 2020 our year together, and it's my privilege to kick it off with you.
-Opportunity to connect with other women
-Tools to help you empower your life and get unstuck
- Chances to win some really cool prizes, including a private coaching call with ME!
*To enter the challenge:*
*Be sure to subscribe to the emails (or you won't receive the daily prompts)
*Follow me on Instagram @ashleyklemieux
*You'll be posting everyday of the challenge on Instagram using #ThisIsMyYearChallenge so we can all support each other, and so we can track prize winners!

You'll receive your first email today, so be on the lookout. I can not wait to make this year ours.

Shine on,
Ashley LeMieux
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